Thursday, July 5, 2018

CW WX Detective S1, E1


Chris Warren, Weather Detective

At any given moment, the sky is giving us little clues as to what is going on in what is an infinitely complex atmosphere. Finding and identifying those clues is one of my favorite things about the weather. Sometimes the sky is obvious, other times it is a mystery. A towering cumulonimbus in the plains or the stratus clouds associated with the marine layer along the California coast are often pretty straight forward, but not always.

The atmosphere is a fluid, so there is constant movement whether we can see it in real time or not. Putting the images in motion with video or time-lapse photography takes atmospheric investigation to a whole new level. It's like pulling back the curtain to a complex stage performance.  

One of the things that drew me to the field of meteorology is my curiosity and drive to solve the mystery of what we see in the sky. I love to look at weather images and then do my best to explain why and how the clouds formed or highlight what else the clouds may be telling us about the atmosphere. This is why I like to think of myself as a sort of weather detective.
For my very first installment of Chris Warren Weather Detective, I look at the north Georgia sky around sunset on the last Friday of June, 2018. 

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