Saturday, April 4, 2009

GOODBYE WINTER! It was... while it lasted

Hopefully we have said goodbye to winter for the last time. It looks likely now that we face what could be our first 70 degree day of 2009. Tomorrow or Monday we should see temperatures in the mid to upper 60s and maybe even 70 in Seattle. Maybe. Just two days ago snow flakes were flying around western Washington.

This past winter was a lot of things to a lot of people. For those who were adversely affected by the snow, wind or flooding, the winter of 2008-2009 is one they would probably like to forget. For those of us who depend on the weather to make a living, it was busy!

Now that it seems we are really heading into spring, I would like to share some of my favorite pictures from this past season. These pictures are from Marina Park in Kirkland. I took them the Sunday night before Christmas. It also happened to be the first day of winter.

Some of my favorite photo outings are after work and late at night. Unfortunately, when the weather beckons me to pull my camera and tripod outside late at night it usually involves snow or ice.
Now I’m looking forward to one of my favorite seasons: sunset season.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic photos, Chris!

    I try to keep these images in mind when we have the really hot days in Seattle and to appreciate when it's warm.

    Thank you for the great photography. I am very much into photography myself and truly love seeing yours . . .

